DIII4A (source port of doom 3) v1.1 Apk FULL | Apk Needs

DIII4A (source port of doom 3)  Apk FULL

Requirements for the Android 2.2+
DIII4A (source port of doom 3) Apk FULL DOWNLOAD
Overview: Doom 3 is a story-driven action game played from a first-person perspective. As with previous Doom games, the main objective is to successfully pass through its levels, defeating a variety of enemy characters intent on killing the player's character.

BIG FAT WARNING! This app is forever in beta stage, so if it won't work - just give up or fix that problem by yourself.
The original author of this app is n0n3m4, contact him for any questions (I'm just a publisher, description is written by him). Legal information is available in the end of description.

DIII4A is a port of Dante engine (based on Doom 3 engine) to Android. It is based on GPL source code. Note that THIS APP DOESN'T CONTAIN OR DOWNLOAD ANY OF DOOM 3 DATA FILES, you need to copy "base" folder from Doom 3 game (patched to the latest version, I recommend to buy it on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/9050 ) to the folder specified in DIII4A launcher (create that folder manually, example of correct path to "base" folder: "/sdcard/diii4a/base" with "/sdcard/diii4a" directory in launcher).

Controls features:
- 10-finger multitouch =)
- Move and resize all controls.
- Hide controls and add more, you can configure opacity for any control.
- Analog movement joystick
- Full mouse support! (with root rights only). This is the only port that supports mouse (at the moment).
- Gamepad and keyboard support just as on your PC: you can rebind buttons in-game or in console for advanced tuning.

Graphics features:
- Lighting can be disable for acceptable performance.
- Textures can be compressed for less RAM usage.
- Configure resolution and color depth by yourself. You can even set 100x100 resolution: all resolutions are supported (except negative values =)).
- Set MSAA for best graphics.

Known issues:
1) Doesn't work on old devices. Very slow on newer. Well, it doesn't work perfect on all devices I know.

GPL source code is included in APK. It is placed in APK\assets\source\.
DIII4A stands for "Decent Invaluable Impressive Incredible game engine FOR All.". All included icons/images were painted by me and are protected by copyright.
Doom is a registered trademark of id Software. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. All trademarks are used under the terms of Fair Use: usage is nominative.
If you think that there are copyright issues in DIII4A, email me (n0n3m4@gmail.com).
Any attempt to remove this app by DMCA notice without contacting me directly first will be really unfair, FSF and community will be notified immediately.

What's New:
Fixed Nexus 7 2013 support.


Download Instructions:

Android Apk Full DownloadInstall
Direct Download Link
DATA SD(copy folder diii4a on sdcard)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8