IKARUGA (斑鳩) v12.10.04
Requirements: 2.1 and up (root and Internet connection needed)
Overview: Ikaruga (斑鳩, lit. Japanese Grosbeak) is a shoot 'em up video game developed by Treasure. It was released in the arcades in 2001 on the Sega NAOMI, subsequently released on Dreamcast in Japan and then worldwide on the Nintendo GameCube, and was released on Xbox Live Arcade on April 9, 2008. It is a spiritual sequel to Radiant Silvergun.

The gameplay consists of shooting enemies who come in one of two polarities: either black or white (sometimes called red or blue). The player's ship can be either polarity, and can be switched at will. Treasure previously experimented with colors and polarity in the Sega Saturn title Radiant Silvergun as well as Silhouette Mirage, released for both the Saturn and the PlayStation. Ikaruga was well received by critics.
Japanese Description from Google Play Store:IKARUGA (斑鳩) v12.10.04 Apk
アーケードゲームで高い評価を受け、Xbox LIVE ARCADEでも大人気の「斑鳩」が、スマホならではの操作モードを携え、遂にAndroidに登場!
■STORY:IKARUGA (斑鳩) v12.10.04 Free Apk Needs
彼らは「飛鉄塊」(ヒテッカイ)と呼ばれる戦闘機を使い、鳳来と戦っていたが、次第に勢力を失い、全滅する 。
その村は「斑鳩の里」といい、選民思想のしわ寄せで、世間から捨てられた老人達の村、俗に言う姥捨て山であ った。
やがて、全快した森羅は、再び鳳来に挑むことを老人達に告げる。老人達は武装もせず旅立とうとする森羅に、 自分達の意地で作り上げた飛鉄塊「斑鳩」を託すのだった。
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